Appropriation Bill Status Sheet

This sheet lists each budget bill, including supplemental funding bills, the next action on the bill or its public act number, current action on the bill, links to the bill and bill analysis, and links to highlight sheets and decision documents. It includes a budget status summary table with actions on General Fund/General Purpose appropriations by budget area

State Budget Updates

In-depth State budget report and State budget balance estimates

Current Fiscal Year State Budget Data

Tables and charts that show total appropriations, State spending, number of employees by department, Federal revenue, and tax dollars spent

Historical State Budget Data

Tables and charts that show several years of data on total appropriations, State spending, the number of employees by department, Federal revenue, and school funding and spending


Supplementals are appropriation adjustments used to increase or decrease the current-year funding authorization for a line-item appropriation, or to create a new line-item appropriation. Supplemental bills are listed on the Appropriation Bill Status Sheet and are also found in the Year-End Appropriations report


Transfers are a statutory mechanism that allows the Legislature to move existing appropriation authorization within a specific department. There are two types of transfers: Administrative and Legislative (which include Contingency Fund transfers)

Executive Orders

There are several types of Executive Orders that may be issued by the Governor. The most common include directives that establish advisory boards or commissions, change names or practices within State agencies, and declarations of emergency, all of which are effective upon filing by the Governor (no legislative action required). Executive orders that reorganize State government by transferring a board, commission, bureau, or any other administrative entity, from one Department to another are effective 60 days after issuance if not disapproved by a majority of each house of the Legislature. Executive orders that reduce State government spending are effective only if approved by both the House and Senate Appropriations Committees within 10 days of issuance