Information on the SFA website is organized by budget areas and by department under the Department/Budget Area list on our home page. Alternatively, the Search feature, located at the top of each web page, can be used to find more information on a topic.
The Search feature, located at the top of each web page, allows you to perform a Google search of documents on the SFA website. In addition, the Archives will list documents by report title, and fiscal or calendar year.
Click on the Email Notifications button under the Quick Links menu on the home page. There, you can sign up to be notified by email about upcoming Senate Appropriations Subcommittee meetings or new publications. In addition, the page has links to subscribe to Senate and House standing committee and appropriation subcommittee meeting notices.
All current SFA publications, other than summaries and analyses of legislation, are available on this website. Summaries and analyses of legislation are available through the Bill & Analysis Search button located at the top of each web page. If you cannot find what you are looking for, or you would like to obtain paper copies of a publication, contact the SFA reception desk at 517-373-2768.
The exact timing varies each year, but in general it follows this time frame. The next fiscal year begins on October 1.