The SFA is one of the three principals (along with the House Fiscal Agency and the Department of Treasury) in the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference. The Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference estimates the revenue available for the General Fund and the School Aid Fund; and, with the State Budget Office, provides pupil estimates used in the School Aid budget and caseload and cost estimates for the Department of Health and Human Services. As part of its role in the consensus process, the SFA prepares its own economic and revenue forecast, as well as pupil and caseload estimates.
Statewide economic and revenue forecasts that are adjusted in January and May by the Senate Fiscal Agency, the House Fiscal Agency, and the Department of Treasury
Links to the State Constitution and language on the appropriations process
Link to the Act on the Michigan legislative website
Enter "appropriation", "budget", or "general fund" in the SUBJECT search field for Attorney General Opinions on the department's website